Creating a website in 5 minutes
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In the current digital era, having a website is essential for both individuals and organisations. it provides a platform to showcase your products, services, or personal portfolio to a global audience. However, the process of creating a website can often be daunting, requiring technical skills and knowledge. Fortunately, with the help of modern tools, creating a website has become a hassle-free and efficient task. In this article, we will explore how you can create a WordPres website in 5 minutes using Hostinger’s user-friendly platform. This article will use Hostinger for building website but now most of the other hosting providers have similar interface. To commence this process we assume you already have a domain and hosting, but if you don’t have then you can always get one from this link.

1. Choosing a Hosting Plan

First of all we need a hosting plan to keep all the files of our website. Without a hosting plan we can’t host our website. In this article we are going to discuss the process of creating a basic blog website, for which you can use any hosting service available on the internet which suites your needs, but in this article we are using Hostinger as it is one of the best and cheap hosting providers. It also has various automated tools to make the process easier.

2. Registering a Domain

Second important thing in creating a website is registering a Domain. Which will be used to access the website. We are using Godaddy as we have already registered our domain and guide you how to point a Godaddy domain to hostinger server. If you purchase a hosting plan from hostinger then you will get a free domain for the first year.

3. Setting up Your Website

Now we will teach you how to setup a WordPress website using Hostinger in minutes step by step:

1. Login to Hostinger

Login in to Hostinger with your login details.

Hostinger Login

After landing to the Hostinger dashboard then select hosting plan.

Hostinger Dashboard

2. Adding a New Website

Click on the top left dropdown and you will a list of your existing websites and a button Add New WebsiteClick this button and you will be prompted to add a new website to your selected hosting plan.

Adding a New Website

3. Selecting Type of Website

Here you can select the type of the website you are going to create. We are going to create a basic blog website so we are going to choose Blog. This is an optional thing which you can skip as well and select later. After selecting the type of website you will be prompted to a screen where you can choose, whether you are going to create a new website or if you have a backup of an old WordPress website then you can also upload that too.

We are going to choose create a new website, as we are going to create a website from scratch.

Creating a Blog

4. Choosing a Platform & Setting up Username and Password

In the next step you have to choose type of platform you are going to create your website on. We are going to choose WordPress but Hostinger also has it’s own Ai Website builder which is a very basic platform.

After choosing WordPress you have to proceed further. Then you will be prompted to a plugin recommendation page for WordPress, but you can skip this at the moment. We can add plugins later at any time.

After clicking next then you will be required to setup your Username and Password which you will be using to access your website Dashboard. (Note down these details so you won’t forget those).

Setting Up Login Credentials

5. Choosing a Theme

You can choose a theme for your website at this point but this is totally optional as we can do that later. For the time being we are using a Hostinger free theme. After selecting a theme you can click Select Style or skip to proceed to the next step.

Choosing a Theme

6. Setting Up Name and Description

In this step you can set the name and the description of your website. Which will be the identity of your website.

Setting Name and Description

7. Pointing the Domain

This is the most important part of the process and is also a bit tricky. Here we are going to use the Godaddy domain. If you don’t have a domain then you can claim one for free with Hostinger new plan and it will make the process even easier.

In our case the domain is registered with Godaddy and we are going to point it to Hostinger.

To do that we have to click Use and Existing Domain and enter your existing domain in the field below and click continue.

After that it will show a dialogue box with your existing Nameservers and the ones from Hostinger.

Copy both of your Nameservers and head to the next step.

Setting Up Domain

8. Updating Nameservers

Now login to your domain registrar’s website and select your domain which you want to use with Hostinger. Go to DNS and then click Nameservers. Now click Change Nameservers and then select, I’ll use my own Nameservers and then paste both the records from Hostinger and replace the existing ones and then save.

Updating Nameservers

9. Website Installation

Go back to Hostinger and click continue. It will start the installation process of your website. Please be patient as it may take some time. After the process is finished, Now your website has been successfully installed. 

Great! you have successfully created your first website. You may also get a broken page as the result of recent Nameserver change. A domain takes 48 hours for propogation but usually it happens quickly in a few hours and you can your domain if the website is live and domain propogation has been completed.

Website Installation

10. View Website

After completion of website installation and domain propogation, you can access your website with the domain name you have set. Now your website is ready

View Website

11. Logging in to Admin Dashboard

You can access your website admin panel with the URL and use your username and password you set at step 4.

Logging in to Admin Dashboard

12. Adding Logo and Favicon

After logging in to Admin Dashboard head over to Appearance>Customize then click Site Identity then upload your logo and below it you can update the Favicon as well. Now click save button and your logo and favicon are set.

These are the basic steps to create a website. After that you can customize your website in any way you want and add plugins to extend the functionality as well.

If you don’t have enough technical knowledge to meet your goals then you can always contact us for further cutimizations.

Adding Logo and Favicon to your website

4. Creating a WordPress Post

In this step we will teach you how you can create a WordPress blog post.

  1. First head to the Posts tab and then click Add New Post then write the name of the post at the top input field.
  2. Below the input field that is the Editor section where you can customize the post. Here you can define the heading, paragraph, images and other elements.
  3. On the right hand that is the Post and Block editor where you can input your post tags and define the category of the post.
  4. Below you can set a Featured image for your blog post which will be visible as the thumbnail of the post on archive pages.
  5. Click Save and now you have created a blog post successfully.
Creating a WordPress Blog Post

Check The Video Tutorial

5. Conclusion

In this article we discuss about creating a website in 5 minutes. This is the quickest way to create a WordPress website. We used Hostinger as I found the process of creating a website on Hostinger is very easy but there are many services available on the internet which you can use according to your requirements and knowledge.

❓  If you are looking for any Web Development and Graphic Design services, You can contact us here.

🌐  Get best and cheap web hosting with free domain and SSL from Hostinger.

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